Dwyer horse returns positive at Burrumbeet

Tuesday 5 September 2017, 6:36pm

Trainer Henry Dwyer has indicated he will plead guilty before the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board after one of his horses returned a positive sample to a banned substance at a country jump-out.

Racing Victoria stewards received a report from Racing Analytical Services Limited confirming a positive swab taken from the Dwyer-trained Heir To The Throne at the Burrumbeet jump-outs on June 22.

Heir To The Throne returned a positive sample to phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone, a non steroidal anti-inflammatory which is a prohibited substance under the rules of racing.

Heir To The Throne was at the Burrumbeet jump-outs to gain a permit to start.

Dwyer has indicated in writing he will plead guilty and under a local rule stewards may fine him up to $5000.

A penalty hearing will be held on Thursday.

Last week Ballarat trainers Darren Weir and Simon Morrish received confirmation of two horses returning positive samples to the same substances at the same Burrumbeet jump-outs.


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