Jamie Kah called up for NZ jockeys' series

Monday 4 December 2017, 5:58pm

In-form South Australian Jamie Kah has been called up to represent an international team in a jockeys' series in New Zealand.

The Jockeys' World Cup Prelude will be held at Ellerslie on December 13.

Kah was called on to replace the suspended Blake Shinn in the international team where she will join Melbourne rider Damian Lane and Jason Collett, a New Zealander based in Sydney.

"Excited to get this offer," Kah tweeted.

Shinn was forced to surrender his spot after being suspended for careless riding at Canterbury on Friday night.

Adelaide's premier jockey, Kah has been in sparkling form riding five winners at Morphettville on November 25 and another double on Saturday.

The Australian riders will take on three other teams comprising three New Zealand riders, a team of female jockeys and a team of apprentices.

Melbourne apprentice Ben Allen will also ride in the series which will be held over six races.

It is hoped the series will eventually develop into an international event.

The teams for the series are:

New Zealand: Matt Cameron, Chris Johnson, Jason Waddell

International: Jamie Kah ( Australia), Damian Lane (Australia), Jason Collett (Australia)

Women: Alysha Collett, Sam Collett, Danielle Johnson

Apprentices: Shaun McKay, Sam Weatherley, Ben Allen (Australia)


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