English trainer Peter Walwyn dies

Saturday 9 December 2017, 8:38am

Former champion British trainer Peter Walwyn has died at the age of 84.

Walwyn, intrinsically linked with the village of Lambourn which is now one of the major training centres in England, is likely to be best remembered for his handling of the brilliant Grundy.

Having won the Irish 2000 Guineas and Derby as well as the Derby at Epsom in 1975, he went on to defeat Bustino in the King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Ascot, a race which is widely regarded as the best of the century.

Grundy's era coincided with Walwyn's best years as champion trainer in 1974 and 1975.

He became chairman of the Lambourn Trainers Association in 1989 before retiring from training in 1999 and was appointed an honorary member of the Jockey Club.

Other major races which went Walwyn's way included the Oaks with Polygamy in 1974 and the 100 Guineas in 1970 with Humble Duty.

Walwyn's cousin Fulke was also a trainer. Walwyn took out his own licence in 1960 and in 1965 moved to Seven Barrows, currently the home of champion trainer Nicky Henderson.


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