Bailey Rogerson to become a trainer

Thursday 21 December 2017, 9:07am

Bailey Rogerson is set to become the world's youngest licensed thoroughbred trainer when she joins a partnership in New Zealand with her grandfather Graeme Rogerson and his wife Debbie.

And the 16-year-old has the chance to claim a Group One win on her first day with Ferrando to run in the Railway (1200m) on New Year's day.

The new partnership will be known as Team Rogerson.

"I'm absolutely thrilled. It's indescribable really," Bailey Rogerson told NZ Racing Desk.

"I've always been involved with the horses so it seemed inevitable it would go this way.

"Being involved as an amateur rider and as a trainer is a win-win situation for me."

Rogerson's licence application was supported leading racing figures including Sir Patrick Hogan, Lloyd Williams, Gerry Harvey, Garry Chittick, and Max Whitby.

Graeme Rogerson, a multiple Group One-winning trainer on both sides of the Tasman, said he was thrilled to have his granddaughter aboard.

"I'm really looking forward to it. She's a natural and she works hard," he said.

"Her knowledge is well beyond her years.

"She's been involved all her life and she rides trackwork and at all the trials and she is currently the leading amateur rider this season. "She'll fly."


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