Incentives to boost Sydney Cup

Thursday 21 December 2017, 7:30am

The Australian Turf Club is offering incentives to the winner and placegetters in the Sydney Cup to try to boost participation in the $2 million race.

Owners and trainers who prepare the winner or placegetters in several key staying races across Australia and New Zealand will be eligible for the bonuses on the 3200m-Group One race in April.

A $100,000 bonus is available to owners and $50,000 to the trainer if a horse goes on to win or place in the 2018 Sydney Cup after having won or been placed in the designated races:

ATC chairman Laurie Macri said the initiative was part of the club's continued investment in staying races with an aim to attract high quality local and international stayers to the Sydney Cup.

"The Schweppes Sydney Cup is recognised as a race that welcomes stayers from many pathways across the nation and the ATC is committed to continually raising its profile,'' Macri said.

"We want to promote this $2 million race as one which features a contest between in-form horses from around Australia as well as internationally, and acts as the staying championship of the Sydney autumn carnival."

The designated races are:

* Metropolitan, Randwick, September 30, 2017

* Perth Cup, Ascot January 1, 2018

* Auckland Cup, Ellerslie, March 10, 2018

* Adelaide Cup, Morphettville, March 12

* Manion Cup, Rosehill, March 24.


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