Garry Kirkup to be released from hospital

Thursday 21 December 2017, 4:15pm

Injured trainer Garry Kirkup is set to be released from hospital to continue his recovery at home.

Kirkup suffered abdominal, hand and foot injuries in a single car accident earlier this month in which his partner, popular track rider and picnic jockey Samara Johnson lost her life.

Neighbouring trainers at the Canberra track have helped keep Kirkup's stable going since the accident while Johnson was farewelled earlier this week at the Young Racecourse.

Kirkup Racing said on Thursday, Garry still had a long rehabilitation ahead of him.

"We are pleased to say that Garry will be released out of hospital into home care tomorrow, which is fantastic news. He still has a few months of healing to go, fortunately this can be done from home," a statement on the website said.

"Whilst we can't put a time frame on when he will be back at work in a full capacity riding work etc, he is at least aiming to be back at the stables overseeing operations early in the new year.

"Samara was a huge part of Kirkup Racing and we are not going to lie, it's going to be very tough to operate without her, but she would want us to, so we will honour her by giving it our best.

"Garry would like to thank all well wishers over the last few weeks, it has helped him to remain strong in what has been a terribly tough time for him physically and mentally. He still has a long road ahead of him but with the support of such a great industry we are confident he will be back."


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