Minimum bet limit for Queensland gallops

Thursday 21 December 2017, 4:31pm

Queensland gallops racing will have a minimum bet limit for off-course wagering operators from New Year's Day.

Racing Queensland announced on Thursday the limit would apply to thoroughbred racing from 9am (AEST) on race days for meetings beginning before 5.30pm, and 2pm (AEST) on race days for meetings that begin after 5.30pm.

In a media release, RQ said the minimum bet limit would allow punters to win up to $2000 on any one metropolitan win bet ($800 any one place bet) and $1000 on any one non-metropolitan win bet ($400 any one place bet).

It would apply to wagering operators with a turnover in excess of $5 million on Queensland thoroughbred races in the previous financial year.

For authorised wagering operators with a turnover of less than $5 million on Queensland races in the previous financial year, the minimum bet limit will be $1000 in any one metropolitan or non-metropolitan win bet ($400 any one place bet in both metropolitan or non-metropolitan races).

An authorised wagering operator must not do any act, or refuse to do any act, to avoid complying with the bet limits including closing an account; refusing to open an account; placing any restrictions on an account in relation to betting on thoroughbred races; refusing to lay a relevant fixed odds bet to any person when those fixed odds are publicly displayed and laying lesser odds on a relevant fixed odds bet to a person than those publicly displayed.


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