Injured manager Scott Jones honoured

Friday 22 December 2017, 8:32am

The Lismore Turf Club's annual Christmas Cup will dovetail as a tribute to Scott Jones, who continues to recover from serious injuries suffered during a gas explosion at the racetrack.

Jones, the club's secretary manager, sustained burns to 45 per cent of his body, when the explosion happened on November 23.

The 35-year-old father-of-three is being treated in the burns unit at Royal Brisbane Hospital where he is scheduled to undergo further surgery.

A field of nine will run in the Scott Jones Christmas Cup (1400m) which closes out Friday's eight-race meeting, the first held at the track since the incident.

Lismore Turf Club deputy chairman Mike Cleaver said recognising Jones in the feature race was a fitting gesture.

The club plans to hold a fundraising night for Jones in February, a time frame which should hopefully enable him to attend.


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