Anderson chases first MM Classic runner

Friday 22 December 2017, 10:42am

Trainer Chris Anderson has a chance to get his first Magic Millions Classic runner when Yamazaki make her debut at the Gold Coast.

Anderson was happy when he heard Saturday's two-year-old handicap had been split into two heats as it assured Yamazaki of a start.

"In some ways I wish we had drawn the other heat because there are some smart horses in ours including Tony McEvoy's Sunlight," Anderson said.

"But if we are going to run in the Millions we will have to be competitive against those types of horses anyway."

Yamazaki was impressive winning a trial at Doomben on December 12 and ran fast time for the morning.

"It was a nice trial but as they say races are something totally different. At least she will get a look at the Gold Coast track with the Magic Millions in mind," Anderson said.

"Brad Stewart has agreed to ride her and it will be interesting to get his opinion after the race."

Yamazaki is by Real Saga out of stakes placed mare Wabeel.

"She has some stoutness on her dam's side and Real Saga has already got a Magic Millions winner (Real Surreal)," Anderson said.

"Either way I am looking forward to her racing as she matures."


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