Godolphin to target Magic Millions sale

Friday 5 January 2018, 6:47am

Godolphin will break with tradition and look to make select buys at the upcoming Magic Millions yearling sale on the Gold Coast.

Incoming Godolphin Australia managing director Vin Cox confirmed the global powerhouse would be more than an observer when the sale starts on Wednesday.

Cox will join Godolphin as Henry Plumptre's replacement after he oversees his last Magic Millions sale as managing director.

"They haven't really bought yearlings at any level for many, many years but hopefully we might be able to buy one or two," Cox told Sky Sports Radio.

"We're certainly not going to be shooting the lights out at the sales but if we end up with one or two I think everyone will be very satisfied."

Godolphin relies mainly on its own breeding stock through its Darley Stud operation.


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