Gingernuts on the mend in rehab

Friday 5 January 2018, 7:54am

Things are looking up for injured gelding Gingernuts after a major setback in his rehabilitation.

The New Zealand star suffered a fractured pastern on the way to the barriers for the Group One Emirates Stakes at Flemington in November.

He had surgery to correct the break at the University of Melbourne Veterinary Clinic at Werribee before being transferred to the King's Park Equine Clinic.

He was taken back to Werribee after an infection scare last month before being returned to King's Park where he is now on the mend.

Te Akau Racing said on Twitter he had improved greatly.

"GINGERNUTS' update! excited today - he's doing well at his rehab farm, bloods stable, bandage change clear, off painkillers - moving as well as can be expected! Happy, putting on weight, good in the coat! How amazing is his specialist team - best New Year news ever! #jerrylove" Te Akau said.

The winner of the New Zealand Derby in March, 2016, Gingernuts also won the Rosehill Guineas in Sydney in the autumn and added the Windsor Park Plate to his Group One record in September.


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