Diamonds to sparkle in Sydney for Lockwood

Thursday 25 January 2018, 11:57am

Trainer Barry Lockwood is confident his filly Show Us Ya Diamonds will prove she has nothing to fear from Sydney's best on Saturday.

Unbeaten three-year-old Show Us Ya Diamonds will be having her third start at the Sunshine Coast.

Lockwood believes Show Us Ya Diamonds can confirm a trip to Sydney next month.

Her aim is the Inglis Sprint (1100m) at Warwick Farm on February 10.

"I know there is talk of some of Sydney's best three-year-olds running in it. But that is the way we are heading," Lockwood said.

"A feint heart never won a fair maiden. We will give them something to think about."

Lockwood has a huge opinion of Show Us Ya Diamonds who has won her only starts at Doomben and the Sunshine Coast.

"It is a step up in class on Saturday but she would have to run well to be a chance in Sydney ," he said.

Show Us Ya Diamonds is by Time Thief out of Brookton Flash, making her a sister to Lockwood's good mare Tumbler.

Rockhampton trainer Tony McMahon has booked apprentice Zoe White for prolific-winning filly Paradis Imperial on Saturday'a Three Year Old.

The winner of nine race, Paradis Imperial originally had a light weight on Saturday but was promoted to 58kg when original topweight Snitzkraft did not accept.

White was the leading jockey in central Queensland before joining Tony Gollan in Brisbane.

McMahon was quick to book White to use her 3kg claim.


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