Lady Horseowner on track for Diamond start

Monday 29 January 2018, 12:59pm

Greg Eurell is keen to send unbeaten juvenile Lady Horseowner into the Blue Diamond Stakes at her next start, with the filly expected to be a late entry for the Group One race.

Lady Horseowner made it two-straight wins when she finished strongly between runners in Saturday's Group Three Blue Diamond Preview (1000m) for fillies at Caulfield and Eurell said the pint-sized juvenile had come through the race well.

"She knew she had been around. It was a hot day, but that was to be expected," Eurell said.

"She came home and ate up pretty good. She's sound and had a trot and a canter this morning. Everything is back to normal so she's in good shape."

Connections need to pay a $55,000 late entry for Lady Horseowner to run in the $1.5 million Blue Diamond (1200m) at Caulfield on February 24, with that fee due on the Monday before the race.

"At this stage we are leaning in that direction, absolutely," Eurell said.

"At this stage I would also be leaning to not giving her another run before the Diamond. I don't think she needs it.

"We'll just let her have a bit of a breather after this run and then build her up again and get her ready for the Diamond."

Lady Horseowner narrowly defeated Al Naifa on debut at Moonee Valley in December before stepping up again at her second start.


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