Hugh Bowman appeals suspensions

Monday 29 January 2018, 1:19pm

Winx's part-owner Debbie Kepitis is among those waiting on the result of Hugh Bowman's appeals against two careless riding bans which would stop him riding the champion in her return in the Apollo Stakes.

The jockey has lodged an appeal against penalty for a careless riding suspension from Friday's Warwick Farm meeting and if he can get that and another incurred the following day in New Zealand, reduced, he has a chance to ride the mare on February 17.

As it stands, Bowman's Sydney suspension starts from Monday and ends on February 10 with New Zealand stewards outing him from the next day until February 22.

Kepitis, who is in New Zealand for the Karaka yearling sale, says it will be a shame if the partnership is split up.

"They are part and parcel of each other," Kepitis told broadcaster

"If he doesn't win his appeal then she is not a difficult horse to ride and I'm sure Hugh will help the jockey who is chosen."

Kepitis said she and fellow owners Peter Tighe and Richard Treweeke would have an input into a new jockey but ultimately the decision rested with trainer Chris Waller.


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