Dubai not Sydney for Godolphin stayer

Friday 2 March 2018, 7:09am

Sydney Cup entrant Rare Rhythm will stay in Dubai rather than travel to Australia after an impressive win in the Group Three Nad Al Ehsba Trophy at Meydan.

Godolphin trainer Charlie Appleby, who won last year's Sydney Cup with English visitor Polarisation, said the Group Two Gold Cup (3200m) on the Dubai World Cup program on March 31 was now the aim.

Rare Rhythm beat the Alain de Royer Dupre-trained Vazirabad, the winner of last year's Gold Cup.

"I have spoken to Sheikh Mohammed and we have decided to stay here and go for the Dubai Gold Cup on Dubai World Cup Night," Appleby said on Godolphin's website.

"We did have Sydney on the radar but after a performance like that, I think we are better off staying where we are."

The Appleby-trained Kidmenever won a 2000m-handicap at Thursday night's meeting.

Kidmenever raced twice in Melbourne in the spring when unplaced in the Herbert Power and a close second in the Eclipse Stakes at Sandown.


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