Doomben test for Our Boy Nicholas

Friday 2 March 2018, 11:12am

Caloundra trainer Andrew Williamson's ability to get the best out of veteran horses will have another test with much travelled Our Boy Nicholas.

The gelding won the 2015 Coffs Harbour Cup when with Gold Coast trainer Toby Edmonds and had a stint in Sydney with Peter Robl before most recently racing in South Australia under Grant Young.

He will have his first start for Williamson in the Listed Tattersall's Members Cup (1600m) at Doomben on Saturday.

Williamson has had success with older horses sent to Queensland to see out their racing days most notably with Darci Be Good.

"The owner wanted him to come up here chasing the softer tracks we usually get around this time of the year," Williamson said.

"I would expect he will be big odds on Saturday but he has worked well and the 1600 metres suits.

"Like most of the More Than Ready breed he likes the sting out of the track.

"We would like to get him out to about 2000 metres and there are plenty of races for him up here."


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