Brown, Schofield in Randwick suspensions

Saturday 10 March 2018, 7:03pm

Two of Sydney's leading jockeys, Glyn Schofield and Corey Brown, will miss Golden Slipper day because of suspension.

Schofield said he would almost certainly appeal the severity of a careless riding ban in the early stages of the Group One Randwick Guineas which he won on Kementari.

Despite reasoning the interference to Capital Gain at the 1300m of the 1600m race was not all his fault, Schofield was outed for eight meetings with the suspension incorporating Slipper day on on March 24 and the Tancred Stakes meeting the following week.

"I believe Adam Hyeronimus has taken a run he was not entitled to and it's a clear mistake on his behalf," Schofield said.

"He runs into a spot he has not chance to get."

Stewards disagreed and outed Schofield from March 18 to April 3.

Brown was outed for 10 days for weighing in a kilogram over his 53kg on Miss Que, runner-up in the Group Three Wenona Girl Quality.

The mare was beaten a short head, a margin stewards took into account when they assessed Brown's penalty.

Brown will fulfil his commitment to Dixie Blossoms in next Saturday's Group One Coolmore Classic.

Sydney's premier rider Hugh Bowman expects to be back for the Coolmore meeting after suffering abrasions and concussion in a fall from Performer in Saturday's Todman Stakes.


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