BRC looks at Eagle Farm race options

Sunday 11 March 2018, 9:44am

The Brisbane Racing Club is considering whether it is possible to hold some meetings at Eagle Farm on the A grass.

Eagle Farm has been closed since last May for a rebuild of the track which is due to reopen late this year.

The A grass, which is used for some jump-outs and trackwork is in good condition.

The BRC has sounded out Racing Queensland, trainers and jockeys about a possible three or four meetings on the A grass later this year.

The reasons behind the idea include using the currently dormant Eagle Farm facilities, getting punters back to the idea of racing at Eagle Farm, and easing pressure on the other over-worked tracks.

The problems are that the A grass could only accommodate fields of eight or nine because of where the starts need to be placed.

The meetings would only be secondary to a main meeting on the day or held on a weekday time slot.

The superintendents of the Eagle Farm reconstruction Dalton Consulting Engineering have decided not to "re-engage" with the project.

DCE's role was to oversee the project to ensure the work was carried out to specification.

RQ will appoint another superintendent this week and believes there will be no delay in construction with News Corp reporting former Flemington track manager Mick Goodie will inspect the work this week.


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