Daniel Moor set for Singapore adventure

Monday 7 May 2018, 12:13pm

Jockey Daniel Moor has been given the green light to head to Singapore and begin the next chapter in his riding career.

He has received the all-important work permit from Singapore's Ministry of Manpower after being granted a six-month licence by the Singapore Turf Club.

Moor leaves on Saturday night after he rides at the Caulfield meeting.

Last month Moor rode the quadrella at Caulfield while on Saturday he had a winning double at Flemington.

He now only needs to get his medical clearance from the Turf Club to enable him to start riding.

"I'll hopefully undergo my medical when I get up there on Sunday," Moor said.

"The first meeting I'll be available for will be Friday week, the 18th (May) then there's another meeting on the Sunday and the following week is their international meeting."

Moor has been a fly-in, fly-out jockey at a number of Singapore meetings in recent months and is looking forward to continuing the progress made on those visits.

He will not tie himself down to one particular stable and eventually hopes to get his weight down to 50.5kg.

"It's difficult to fly in and fly out," he said.

"You can't ride work and things like that and so it's hard for the trainers to jock off their local riders, so I'll spread myself around and work.

"I'll do a lot of trackwork, a lot of trials and re-establish with the people who were giving me the rides when I was going back and forth."

Moor said he had received good feedback from a number of trainers in Singapore since being granted his licence and he is looking forward to re-acquainting with Lee Freedman.

"He's got a good number of horses and there's a lot of other stables with good numbers so hopefully I'll get the opportunities," Moor said.

"I ride here at 54 (kg) but I'll go up there and ride 52 straight away with the view of riding 50.5 as my minimum.

"The lighter weight scale up there hopefully will suit me."


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