Magstock to improve on first-up record

Thursday 17 May 2018, 3:23pm

Former Singapore galloper Magstock has had two solid trials as he tries to improve on his first-up record at Doomben.

Trainer Kelly Schweida entered Magstock for the BRC Sprint and a benchmark race on Saturday but scratched the gelding from the restricted race.

Magstock will be having his first run since December in the Group Three BRC Sprint (1350m).

The gelding won four races in Singapore and ran a further nine placings in 22 starts.

Magstock has had five previous first-up runs and finished third in four of them.

Trainer Kelly Schweida has given Magstock every chance to go a couple of places better on Saturday.

"One of the owners of Shogun Sun is also in Magstock and that is how I got him," Schweida said.

"He got here in January and after quarantine we sent him up to Washpool Lodge for pre-training. So he had a while to settle in before getting to the stables."

Magstock has had two trials at Deagon where he wasn't knocked about.

"I would expect him to go OK on Saturday but he is big odds and will probably be better when we get out a bit further," Schweida said.


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