Bowman ponders return after Japanese stint

Wednesday 30 May 2018, 4:57pm

A suspension has cut short leading jockey Hugh Bowman's riding stint in Japan.

The world's highest-rated jockey arrived in Sydney on Tuesday, a week ahead of schedule after he was banned following his ride on outsider Etario in last weekend's Group One Japan Derby in Tokyo.

The suspension covers Stradbroke Handicap day at Doomben on Saturday week and Bowman is non-committal about his domestic return, revealing a prolonged break is an option.

Bowman could yet to return to Japan in late June, and if so he could then come home and rest up before the new season starts in August.

"I haven't really thought about when I'll be back. I'll spend some time with the family, I haven't seen them for six weeks," he told Sky Sports Radio.

"If I go back to Japan I may take time off and get ready for the new season."

Bowman sits seventh on the premiership standings with 46 winners, while last season's runner-up Brenton Avdulla leads with 79.

Despite his continuing success with champion mare Winx, Bowman conceded this season has been frustrating.

"I've had a very interrupted run this year with suspension, injuries. I've been a bit flat," he said.


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