Snowden puts Spending To Win in right race

Saturday 2 June 2018, 1:21pm

Sydney galloper Spending To Win again has showed how champion trainer Peter Snowden can pick the right races for his horses with a win at Caloundra.

Spending To Win ($1.90) scored by 2-1/4 lengths to Hirtshals ($19), with a neck to Rebel Miss (&.50) in the Stanley River Thoroughbreds Plate (1000m) on Saturday.

The gelding had won just two of his previous 17 starts but had recorded a further 13 minor placings.

Snowden had been looking at running Spending To Win in a race at Scone until he saw the Caloundra race in the calendar.

"He was a class two horse in a class six race so I knew he would get in with a light weight. In his own class, he has been carrying 60 kilograms plus," Snowden said.

"It was a perfect race for him. To be honest, if he hadn't won today I might have been in a bit of trouble with the owners.

"He had been racing well and it was just a matter of getting the right race for him and it looked like his."

Snowden said Spending To Win would go for a spell with the spring in mind.

Winning jockey Corey Brown said he had a lovely run and while he got to the lead earlier than he wanted, he was never in any danger in the straight.


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