Andrews lands breakthrough win with Aquada

Saturday 2 June 2018, 1:34pm

Gareth Andrews hopes to be seen on city courses more regularly after Spirit Of Aquada provided him with a breakthrough win at Moonee Valley.

Spirit Of Aquada's win in the Bernadette Turner Handicap was a Saturday first for Andrews at a metropolitan meeting.

Ridden by Ben Thompson, Spirit Of Aquada ($11) scored by a neck from Bel Sonic ($5), with Usain Bowler ($16) a head away third.

Andrews prepares a small team at Pakenham and is proud of Spirit Of Aquada's success.

"I never have more than six in work and he's the stable star," Andrews said.

"I've bought a block out at Pakenham and I've set it up to just have six or eight or 10 at a time.

"I try to keep it to six as I can do it all myself and with any more than that I then have to employ people."

Andrews has always held Spirit Of Aquada in high regard, admitting he had thrown the gelding in the deep end on occasions.

He plans to return to Moonee Valley in two weeks before heading to Flemington on July 7 for the Listed AR Creswick Series Final.

"I've got plans to give him a little freshen-up and get him ready for the spring but obviously you have to base those plans on performances," Andrews said.

"Today's confirmed our suspicions that we might be able to freshen him up and have a go at the spring."


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