Mishani to atone for unlucky defeat

Friday 8 June 2018, 11:52am

Trainer Chris Anderson struggles to remember one of his horses being as unlucky in the run as Mishani Bullitt at his most recent start.

Mishani Bullitt flashed home to finish third to boom three-year-old Perast in the Fred Best Classic at Doomben two weeks ago.

Anderson and many others considered it the run of the race because Mishani Bullitt was one of the few horses to come from back in the field on the day.

But Anderson was even more thrilled when he spoke with jockey Bob El-Issa and watched the replay.

"Bobby said he was lucky to stay in the saddle at about the 600 metres," Anderson said.

"He said Mishani Bullit should have won. You can see on the replays how he dips. It was a terrific run."

While Perast is among the top chances against the older horses in the Stradbroke on Saturday Mishani Bullitt is headed to the Queensland Guineas (1600m).

"If it had been 1400 metres at Eagle Farm we would have looked at the Stradbroke with a light weight," Anderson said.

"But he is much better suited now at 1600 at Doomben than the 1350 of The Stradbroke."


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