Redkirk Warrior arrives in England

Friday 8 June 2018, 1:43pm

Star sprinter Redkirk Warrior has arrived back in his former homeland in preparation to compete on the world stage at Royal Ascot.

Winner of this year's Lightning Stakes and the past two Newmarket Handicaps in Melbourne, Redkirk Warrior arrived at his Newmarket base in England on Thursday night (Friday AEST) and co-trainer Ben Hayes said reports were the gelding had handled the travel well.

"He got to Newmarket around 11.30pm and Dara (O'Meachair), who travelled with him, said he was really happy," Hayes said.

"He said he was nice and calm on the flight and as soon as he got into his box he had a big roll and put his head straight into the feed bin and he had a perfect temperature.

"So at this stage we're really happy with the way he travelled."

Hayes, who trains in partnership with his father David Hayes and cousin Tom Dabernig, will travel to England next week ahead of the Royal Ascot carnival which begins on June 19.

Weather conditions will have a bearing on whether Redkirk Warrior runs in the King's Stand Stakes on the opening day or the Diamond Jubilee Stakes on June 23.

If the weather looks like being fine, the Diamond Jubilee is the preference.

"It's weather dependent. Looking at the long-range forecast it's looking like the Diamond Jubilee," he said.

Redkirk Warrior began his career in England in 2014 before racing in Hong Kong and now Australia.

He has had 10 starts for the Lindsay Park stable in Australia for five wins including three at Group One level.


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