High hopes for Savanna Amour

Sunday 17 June 2018, 4:35pm

If top Queensland mare Savanna Amour can win the Tatt's Tiara connections hope it will help her stake a claim for a slot in the $13 million Everest.

The winner of five stakes races, Savanna Amour showed she was back to her best when she beat a quality field in the Listed Hinkler Stakes at Doomben on June 9.

Grant Morgan, the head of Ontrack Syndications which races the mare, said the Tiara would probably be Savanna Amour's final run for the winter.

"It will certainly be the last if she wins and she could go straight for a spell," Morgan said.

"The Tiara is really the race which will determine her spring campaign. I know I am probably dreaming but a Tiara win could even open a door to the The Everest."

"There wasn't much in the ratings between her and Santa Ana Lane before he won the Stradbroke."

Morgan said Savanna Amour was an Inglis Sales horse and he understood the group's spot for the Everest in October was still open.

"I believe Savanna Amour is Queensland's best horse and Chris (Meagher) has done a wonderful job with her," Morgan said.

The Tatt's Tiara will be the strongest in years with a capacity field assured.

Champion trainer Chris Waller hopes to have four chances to claim the final Group One race of the season.

"We will have Invincibella, Shillelagh, French Emotion and hopefully Noire gets into the field," Waller said.

"Shillelagh will be better suited at weight-for-age than she was in the Stradbroke."

The winner of the Group One Kennedy Mile at Flemington in the spring, Shillelagh finished sixth in the Stradbroke.

Invincibella won the traditional Queensland lead-up to the Tiara, the Dane Ripper while French Emotion will run for new owners Widden Stud which paid $850,000 for the Group Two winner at the recent National Broodmare sale.

Noire will be stepping up from benchmark company into her first stakes race if she gets a start.


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