Allan Reardon says he will work on

Monday 18 June 2018, 10:59am

Queensland's chief steward Allan Reardon says he will see out the final weeks of his contract despite openly criticising the head of the state's racing integrity unit.

Reardon is set to be replaced on August 1 by former Singapore chief steward Peter Chadwick.

A steward for 40 years, Reardon told News Corp on Sunday he was at odds about how the news was handled that Chadwick had owned a share in a racehorse at the time he was interviewed for the job.

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission boss Ross Barnett on Friday issued a statement supporting Chadwick who at the time he was interviewed, had a two per cent share in a horse trained in Sydney.

Chadwick has divested himself of the share and Barnett said the Singapore-based steward was able to own it under their rules.

He said he had been aware before it became the subject of speculation late last week.

Reardon said he had an issue with the integrity behind the appointment of Chadwick.

He said he had spoken with at least one other member of the panel which selected Chadwick and that person had been unaware of the horse share issue.

Reardon told News Corp the decision to appoint Chadwick had been flawed and the conflict of interest (owning the share) should have been declared at the time of interviews.

He indicated the word integrity should be dropped from the title Queensland Racing Integrity Commission.

Reardon told AAP on Monday he had no intention of stepping aside before his current contract ran out.

"I will work out the final weeks of my contract unless they think otherwise. I won't be calling in sick or taking leave, " Reardon said.

"I have had my say and what they say is up to them."

AAP put a series of questions regarding Reardon's future to Barnett on Monday.

"I am making no further comment about Allan Reardon at this stage," Barnett said.


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