Kah content to make hit-and-run raids

Monday 18 June 2018, 1:13pm

Jockey Jamie Kah hopes to make more hit-and-run visits to Melbourne in coming months after a successful raid at Moonee Valley.

Kah guided South Australian sprinter Showpero to victory on Saturday and said with the Adelaide carnival over she hopes to be a regular visitor if opportunities arise.

But the 22-year-old has no intentions to leave South Australia, happily entrenched at her property at Echunga in the Adelaide Hills.

"I love coming over and riding over here but Adelaide's been so great to me and Tony's (McEvoy) been so great to me," Kah said.

"It's more about a lifestyle. It's my home but I definitely love coming over on the weekends.

"Now that the carnival is over and the prize money is back to where it was, it's worthwhile coming over for these bigger races."

Kah sits fourth on the Australian jockeys' premiership with 139 winners for the season, five behind Queensland's Jeff Lloyd.

Perth's William Pike leads the race with 171 winners.

After riding 130 winners last season, Kah was hoping to secure rides in the big races this season aiming for a Group One win, saying it wasn't all about numbers.

After finishing fourth on Super Cash in Adelaide's Goodwood, she finished second on that horse in the Stradbroke Handicap at Doomben on June 9.

"I've managed to ride more winners than last year already so it's ticking along nicely, but the goals are the Group Ones," Kah said.

"I'm getting close and hopefully I can go closer next time.

"It's good the bigger trainers are starting to recognise me and I've been going to Queensland for the carnival and I'm happy to be travelling to the bigger carnivals.

"I rode quite light last weekend and I'm hoping I can pick up some of the lighter rides again at the big carnivals coming up."


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