Track expert hired to fix Ipswich issues

Wednesday 13 March 2019, 12:21pm

Track guru Mick Goodie is one of the resources Racing Queensland has committed to helping the Ipswich Turf Club overcome problems with its track.

Ipswich lost its fifth meeting in recent months on Wednesday.

A track inspection found two small patches past the winning post were not suitable for racing.

RQ's chief executive Brendan Parnell said every assistance would be given the club to help with remedial work before its next meeting on March 29.

He said RQ's track specialists, including former Flemington track manager Goodie, who has worked to get the new Eagle Farm track going, would be available to Ipswich.

The Ipswich club is confident it can race on March 29 but admits it is in the hands of the weather for each meeting.

ITC chairman Wayne Patch told RadioTAB on Wednesday the problems dated back to 2014 when other remedial work removed a thatching that provided cover over its clay base.

He said there was also a related drainage problem.

Patch said the track needed a revamp that would take several months and cost at least $1 million.


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