Officials hopeful Rosehill can go ahead

Sunday 30 June 2013, 5:48pm

A glimmer of sunshine in Sydney on Sunday afternoon had officials optimistic the rescheduled Rosehill meeting could go ahead.

Saturday's nine-race program featuring the Listed Winter Cup (2400m) has been moved to Monday with all scratchings reinstated into the fields.

A final decision will be made after two horses gallop on the track at 6.30am on Monday.

A week of rain has wreaked havoc on racing in NSW with only three races run at Randwick the previous Saturday and the Tuesday meeting at Warwick Farm abandoned along with other provincial and country programs.

Racing NSW chief executive Peter V'Landys says if the meeting goes ahead it should not have an adverse effect on next Saturday's racing.

"It shouldn't make it any worse than it would if we had raced on Saturday," V'Landys said.

Rosehill trainer Gerald Ryan disagrees and doesn't believe Monday's meeting should go ahead.

"If we couldn't race on Saturday I don't see how we can race on Monday," he said.

"And if they do race it will stuff it up for Saturday."

V'Landys also said synthetic tracks would not be a solution to the problems faced over the past week but he welcomed the opening of the new all weather track at Randwick in September.

"The Kensington track is StrathAyr like Moonee Valley and I don't think they have ever lost a meeting," he said.

"But visibility would have been a major problem on Saturday and there's not much that we can do about that.

"Synthetic tracks are not the answer for us. The research is showing there are more injuries on synthetic tracks and punters don't like them. They prefer turf tracks.

"This rain we have had is unprecedented. There's not much that we could do."

The Joe Pride-trained Destiny's Kiss heads the TAB's fixed odds market at $2.70 for the Winter Cup.


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