Hill lauds Teronado after Eagle Farm win

Saturday 10 August 2013, 3:11pm

Trainer Bruce Hill has declared Teronado one of the best horses he has trained after the three-year-old's runaway win at Eagle Farm on Saturday.

Teronado ($8) produced the talent Hill has always felt he possessed to take out the JAHM Handicap (1300m) by 3-1/2 lengths from Canisbay, who was sensationally backed from $7 into $4.20 favouritism.

"I've seen him do some amazing things on the track and he's the best one I've had for a long while," Hill said.

"He's always shown plenty of ability but finding one that can keep up with him on the track has been the hardest part."

Hill is considering ambitious goals for Teronado but is keen to keep a lid on expectations.

"I did nominate him for the Caulfield Guineas but he's still got to improve a bit to get to that level," he said.

"He's bred to run a mile-and-a-half being out of a Nassipour mare but I don't want to stretch him beyond a mile this time in."

Jockey Chris Munce was impressed with the gelding and believes he will continue to improve as he gains more experience.

"He's still a big, green baby in a lot of ways and hasn't switched on mentally," Munce said.

"But he's got a lovely, big stride and a great attitude which will take him a long way."

Munce said Teronado needs plenty of room in his races because of his long stride.

"He's got lovely balance and once he got some room to stretch his legs today he took advantage of it," he said.

"He feels like a pretty serious racehorse."


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