Gordon Lord Byron suffers muscle injury

Wednesday 18 March 2015, 8:09am

Gordon Lord Byron has returned home to Ireland the worse for wear following his disappointing run in Hong Kong.

Tom Hogan's multiple Group one winner finished a well-beaten seventh in the inaugural running of the Queen's Silver Jubilee Cup at Sha Tin on Sunday.

The winner of the George Ryder Stakes in Sydney a year ago, the horse has been found to have an injury similar to the one he suffered at Royal Ascot in June.

Hogan is hopeful his stable star will recover in time to return to the Royal meeting.

"He's torn a muscle in the sacroiliac area and he's quite sore at the moment," Hogan said.

"He did a similar thing in Ascot last June and was back on the racecourse at the end of August. This injury is no worse than that, so he should be OK.

"He'll need a bit of treatment and then hopefully we'll get him back on track."


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