Buffering in doubt for winter carnival

Wednesday 18 March 2015, 11:09am

Star sprinter Buffering has suffered an injury at trackwork which could rule him out of the Brisbane winter carnival.

Trainer Rob Heathcote said he would not risk the horse and would only press on with winter plans if Buffering proved his fitness.

"I still have some hope that he will be ready for the BTC Cup on May 9 and then the Doomben 10,000 two weeks later," Heathcote said.

"I may be hopeful but we can't take chances with him. Any doubt at all and he won't be running this winter."

The injury occurred when Buffering was working on the B grass at Doomben earlier this week and appeared to put his foot in a hole, spraining his off fore fetlock.

"It is a sprain and he will have intensive work done on him with anti-inflammatory treatment, ice, water walking, and visits to the beach," Heathcote said.

"After two weeks we should have the swelling down and hopefully be able to assess if there is any further damage to his leg."

Heathcote said he was disappointed Buffering had not been allowed to work on the outside of the Doomben course proper.

"He is a multiple Group One winner and one of the major winter carnival drawcards," he said.

"But these things happen all the time to horses and what is done is done and we can't take anything back."

Buffering has won four Group One races and is Queensland's greatest prize money earner.

If he misses the winter races the horse is likely to return for another crack at the Melbourne spring carnival.


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