Magic Boy makes rare trip away from home

Thursday 21 May 2015, 4:58pm

South Australian galloper Magic Boy faces a new experience as he prepares for a trip to Melbourne.

Trained by Jon O'Connor at Morphettville, Magic Boy has raced exclusively on his home track in 14 starts and on Saturday lines up in the Henry Bolte Handicap at Flemington.

Magic Boy has raced six times on the Morphettville circuit where he scored a last-start win in the Adelaide Guineas.

His remaining eight starts have been on the inner Morphettville Parks circuit.

Magic Boy will have a 10-hour float trip to Stephen Brown's base at Flemington which O'Connor hopes will switch the gelding on mentally.

"The only time he would get on a truck is when he's going to the paddock, so that's where he probably thinks he's heading," O'Connor said.

If Magic Boy races up to expectations, O'Connor plans to head to Brisbane for the Queensland Guineas at Doomben on June 6.


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