Heat forces Ipswich race meeting change

Monday 12 February 2018, 12:39pm

Predictions of high temperatures have led to the re-scheduling of the midweek Ipswich race meeting.

With 40 degrees forecast on Wednesday, the meeting has been moved to Friday and will start at 10am with the maximum expected to be 35 deg.

It is the second Ipswich meeting in the past month to be affected by extreme heat.

The meeting on January 13 was abandoned after three races when jockeys raised problems caused when the temperature reached 38 degrees.

Racing Queensland chief executive Elliott Forbes said the decision to move the meeting had been made after consultation with the Ipswich Turf Club, Australian Trainers Association, Sky Channel and the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission.

"To ensure there are no scheduling clashes with the Sunshine Coast meeting which is on Friday night the Ipswich meeting will start at 10am and finish at 2:12pm," Forbes said.

He said the early start should also avoid the hottest part of the day on Friday.

Chief steward Allan Reardon said jockey and horse safety was always the main issue and the stewards had a set policy to monitor hot days.

Officials will also make a decision on the meeting set down for Gatton on Thursday when temperatures are also tipped to reach 40 deg.


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