She's Choosie takes on city class

Thursday 15 February 2018, 4:29pm

Apprentice Leah Kilner can't ride She's Choosie at Doomben but she take much of the credit if the filly measures up to city class.

She's Choosie is unbeaten in three starts in the NSW Northern Rivers and takes on an above-average Brisbane race in the Two-Year-Old Handicap (1100m) on Saturday.

Leah Kilner is the daughter of She's Choosie's trainer Greg Kilner and she has ridden She's Choosie at her past two starts for wins at Grafton.

She doesn't yet have a city licence so experienced Northern Rivers jockey Kasie Stanley will have the ride on She's Choosie at Doomben.

"Kaisie won on She's Choosie at her first start so she knows her," Greg Kilner said.

He said he realised Saturday's race had attracted an above-average field of two year olds.

"But you might as well have a go while you are in form and she is just that," he said.

Kilner has no ambitious plans for She's Chooisie until he sees how she measures up on Saturday.


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