Preis von Baden next for Sea The Moon

Tuesday 5 August 2014, 9:45am

Trainer Markus Klug believes the Grosser Preis von Baden at Baden-Baden will be the perfect Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe prep race for Sea The Moon.

The September 7 event is a Group One race and was used by Danedream to perfect her challenge for the Arc in 2011.

Sea The Moon rose to prominence by winning the German Derby by 11 lengths and the second horse, Lucky Lion, came out and beat Noble Mission at Munich next time out.

"He's fit and well after the Derby, and we'll go to Baden-Baden on September 7," Klug told At The Races.

"I've been really impressed with him. I'd hoped he'd win, but not by 11 lengths, so I was very impressed.

"I see the second horse won a Group One in Munich against a good horse from England.

"Lucky Lion is a horse for 2000 metres and the Derby is over 2400 so he found it too far but it is still very good form.

"He always showed us he was very good, even as a two-year-old, but you cannot think you'll ever win the German Derby by 11 lengths.

"After Baden-Baden we hope to go for the Arc.

"I'm sure he's good enough to win the Arc. He has a big chance but you can't say he will win."

Klug may have to look for another jockey if Cristophe Soumillon is required for the Aga Khan in either race.

"We hope Christophe will be free for the Arc but, if not, we must look for another jockey," he said.


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