Pale Mimosa beats Estimate at York

Saturday 23 August 2014, 8:08am

Pale Mimosa and Estimate have boosted their claims for a trip to Australia for the Melbourne Cup with a one-two in the Lonsdale Cup at York.

The Dermot Weld-trained Pale Mimosa held off the challenge from Estimate who is trained by Sir Michael Stoute for the Queen.

The winner is trained by the only handler from Britain or Ireland to have left with Australia's biggest prize which he has done twice with Vintage Crop in 1993 and Media Puzzle nine year later.

However, both Weld and her jockey Pat Smullen offered up a concern about the likelihood of fast ground at Flemington in November.

"The race was run to suit her and Pat had her in the right position throughout," Weld said.

"Obviously Australia is on the agenda, but she never really wants very firm ground."

Smullen said Pale Mimosa was an ideal horse for Melbourne.

"We've always had faith in her and it's been a bit frustrating with one thing or another," he said.

"We've always been worried about her on very fast ground and we just got away with it today.

"I'd love to ride her in Melbourne, don't get me wrong, but she needs a bit of an ease in the ground. She's definitely good enough to go, though."

Estimate produced a much better performance than the Goodwood Cup in which she was last of the eight runners.

Her Majesty's racing manager John Warren said the Melbourne Cup was in Estimate's sights.

"It's great to get her back on track as we were disappointed after Goodwood," Warren said.

"There is the Doncaster Cup, but we are also keen to look at the Irish St Leger. That is a shorter trip, but it might be something to consider to sharpen her up with a view to possibly going for the Melbourne Cup.

"The Queen will have a big input in making the decision on whether she does go to Australia. The Queen won't be able to make the trip, so if the filly is going to travel, it will have to be on her own merits.

"The Queen will always do what is right by the filly and if she does go to Australia there will be a knock-on effect to the breeding season and I suspect she will be retired at the end of this year."


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