Avdulla put on notice over Rosehill ride

Saturday 23 August 2014, 12:40pm

Brenton Avdulla has been put on notice with stewards describing his ride in a race at Rosehill as uncompetitive.

Avdulla was grilled at length last Saturday over giving up his position on outsider Celtic Prince to the favourite and eventual winner, Entirely Platinum, ridden by James McDonald, halfway through a 1400-metre race.

Stewards continued the inquiry at Randwick on Saturday and, while they stopped short of charging him, they issued a stern warning.

"When it comes to race tactics not only does it have to be right, it has to look right," Racing NSW chief steward Ray Murrihy told the jockey.

"We put you on notice. We considered charging you with not being competitive but in the end opted not to.

"Your ride was not as competitive as we expect.

"You ride regularly for the Hawkes stable and it does not look good when we see you having a chat to James McDonald after the race.

"We expect you to ride the race as it unfolds and be competitive."

Celtic Prince finished ninth of the 15 runners, 3-1/2 lengths from the winner.


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