Fresh approach suits import He's Your Man

Thursday 28 August 2014, 2:58pm

Chris Waller's intimate knowledge of the European thoroughbred tells him He's Your Man will be advantaged at Rosehill despite the import's scarcity of racing since returning to work.

He's Your Man is rated the best of Waller's five horses to accept in the $100,000 Premier's Cup - a race which is becoming a guide to the spring staying features.

But whether He's Your Man is given his chance over longer distances remains uncertain.

What is much clearer is He's Your Man's approach to life in Waller's premiership-winning stable in the three weeks since his Winter Challenge win, which came one month after a first-up placing in the Civic Stakes.

One of Australia's most successful importers of northern hemisphere horses, Waller said: "I think He's Your Man appreciates that three-to-four week gap between races.

"He leaves a bit of feed for the first week.

"The second week he starts to get back on it and in the third and fourth week he thrives and copes well with his training."

He's Your Man is nominated for four spring Group One races - the Epsom Handicap, The Metropolitan, the Caulfield Cup and the Cox Plate.

A winner in rain-affected ground over 2400m at stakes level in France, He's Your Man is a $51 chance in the first Epsom markets released on Thursday.

And Waller isn't ruling out the famous Randwick mile race as a target for the Sydney spring.

"I don't want to be in a hurry to put him over 2400 (metres)," Waller said.

"We know if we keep him fresh he'll be competitive over a mile if we need him to be."

Waller's Premier's Cup quintet also includes Who Shot Thebarman and Opinion, genuine stayers not suited by a barrier trial-like tempo when resuming.

"I'll be looking for improved runs from both of them," Waller said.


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