Prebble accepts Rose ride on Nostradamus

Wednesday 10 September 2014, 3:07pm

The booking of leading jockey Brett Prebble for Nostradamus coupled with strong betting support points to the Hawkes Racing colt taking his place in the $1 million Golden Rose.

Nostradamus was among the final 15 horses in the Golden Rose but Prebble wasn't declared as the three-year-old's rider for the Group One race until 24 hours after acceptance time.

The promising colt is also an acceptor for the Danehill Stakes at Flemington with the two-state stable covering its options in case Rosehill is too wet on Saturday.

Nostradamus ran below expectations on soft ground in the Run To The Rose after returning to win the San Domenico Stakes at Rosehill last month.

Corporate bookmakers have reported solid backing for Nostradamus since Prebble's booking with the colt firming to $8 with some agencies.

The Peter Moody-trained Bring Me The Maid continues to hold her place at the top of the Golden Rose market since assuming favouritism after Tuesday's barrier draw.

The filly remained steady at $4 with Hallowed Crown at $5 and the favourite's stablemate Better Land a $7 chance.


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