Clipperton, Cassidy suspended at Randwick

Saturday 4 October 2014, 6:49pm

Sam Clipperton and Larry Cassidy have been suspended for causing interference in Group One races at Randwick.

Clipperton received a nine-meeting ban for his ride on third-placed Hooked in Saturday's Epsom Handicap while Brisbane-based Cassidy copped three meetings for his part in La Amistad being checked in the Metropolitan Handicap.

Cassidy's suspension for his ride on fourth-placed Kingdoms was reduced because of his good record and contribution from another runner.

La Amistad, ridden by Corey Brown, finished 11th of the 16 Metropolitan runners after the interference near the 600m of the 2400m race.

Sydney's premier apprentice in his first season as a senior rider, Clipperton will ride at next Saturday's Spring Champion Stakes meeting and begin his ban after the Sunday Hawkesbury meeting.

He pleaded guilty to causing interference to the eventual winner He's Your Man early in the Epsom.


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