Dual Arc winner Treve to stay in training

Sunday 12 October 2014, 9:19am

In a surprise change of plans, Treve will stay in training next season to aim for an unprecedented third victory in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe at Longchamp.

Trained by Criquette Head-Maarek, Treve was earmarked for retirement after her second consecutive Arc last Sunday.

But the four-year-old's owner, Sheikh Joaan Al Thani, has undergone a dramatic about-face with Treve to continue racing in 2015 with a view to an historic tilt at winning Europe's premier race a third time.

"The Sheikh will keep Treve in training next year to try to go for a third Arc," Harry Herbert, racing manager for the Sheikh's Al Shaqab racing operation, said.

"She has come out of the race brilliantly. She is moving great, kicking and bucking and looking really well.

"Initially, we thought that the Arc would have drawn her career to a close, and maybe she would go to see Dubawi (at stud).

"But, on reflection, and following discussions with the Sheikh and Criquette, we are all keen to carry on, so long as the filly herself is absolutely fine."

Treve will not run again this season and will spend the winter at the Head family's stud, Haras du Quesnay, in Normandy.

She will then head back to her Chantilly stables in February, with a view to returning to the track early next summer.

"Her well-being is of paramount importance to all of us," Herbert said.

"She will have a very limited five-year-old year, trained specifically for the Arc.

"She will probably not run until June or July time, but only on suitable ground.

"If it doesn't work, then obviously we will draw stumps and she will have missed one year of breeding.

"But she is a remarkable mare, and the Sheikh likes the fact that racing fans worldwide can enjoy her for another year."


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