Second Cesarewitch success for Hobbs team

Sunday 12 October 2014, 10:58am

Big Easy has given trainer Philip Hobbs and owner Terry Warner a second success in the Cesarewitch as he defied De Rigueur by three-quarters of a length in the rich marathon at Newmarket.

Eight years ago Hobbs and Warner, who are more associated with the National Hunt scene, celebrated the win of Detroit City in the 3600m race.

They were cheering again when Big Easy improved on his runner-up effort in last month's Cesarewitch Trial with a high-quality staying performance, landing the lion's share of the STG250,000 ($A456,3299) prize fund.

Under Tom Queally,Big Easy was always forward on the inner rail and was strongest through the closing strides, repelling De Rigueur and the favourite Quick Jack.

Warner was thrilled following a second victory in the race with the horse he bought as a jumper.

"We bought this horse for jumping and he has won a couple of three-mile (4800m) hurdles for us and he'll go back to hurdling," Warner said.

"We came here for the Trial and nearly won, so we thought we had to come back today."


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