Tracey Pelling new integrity unit boss

Monday 11 December 2017, 1:28pm

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission has announced Tracey Pelling as the new head of its Integrity Regulation Unit.

An experienced police officer, Pelling's IRU functions will include the enforcement of licensing requirements as well as stable and kennel inspections to ensure the welfare of racing animals.

QRIC Commissioner Ross Barnett said Detective Sergeant Pelling brought a great deal of experience to the job.

"Detective Pelling is currently the Officer-in-Charge of the Queensland Racing Crime Squad and has been involved in investigations which have resulted in the arrest of racing industry participants for offences ranging from match (race) fixing to money laundering and serious animal cruelty," Barnett said.

Before her work with the QRCS, Pelling led the Greyhound Racing Inquiry Task Force.

She is a reservist in the Royal Australian Air Force and was deployed on operations in the Middle East in 2013.

Pelling is a cousin of four-time Brisbane premier jockey Mike Pelling.


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