Skye Bogenhuber reunites with The Monstar

Thursday 31 May 2018, 3:10pm

Scone trainer Brett Cavanough has called on one of his favourite jockeys, Skye Bogenhuber, to help coax spirited The Monstar back to winning form at the Sunshine Coast.

The Monstar should get conditions to suit when he tackles Saturday's Group Two Moreton Cup (1200m).

The Sunshine Coast track looks certain to be rain-affected and The Monstar has won eight races on soft and heavy ground.

Bogenhuber has ridden The Monstar four times for two wins and two minor placings during his four-start Queensland campaign in late winter 2016..

"Skye rode for me when I had a base in Toowoomba a few years back," Cavanough said.

"We had a bit of success and she does know The Monstar. He can be a tricky horse to handle."

The Monstar hasn't won since the Listed June Stakes at Randwick last year but was later Group Two-placed in the Sydney and Melbourne spring carnivals.

"He wasn't far away in the Luskin Star first-up at Scone behind Osborne Bulls," Cavanough said.

"The Moreton field is about his right class and he does like wet tracks."

Cavanough is now firmly established at Scone after a long stint in the Riverina and then Toowoomba but isn't afraid to travel with his horses to Queensland and Victoria.


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